Profile Flair Legend
Research Badge- This user digs up those juicy details that are useful to the group.
- Research Badge- This user digs up those juicy details that are useful to the group.
Travel Badge - This user has traveled 100+ miles to or from KC
- Travel Badge - This user has traveled 100+ miles to or from KC
Donation Badge - This user generously donated to KCUrbEx.
Trusted Member Badge - This user is a full member.
Mooning Badge - This user has mooned like no-one has mooned before.
Drunk and Dangerous Badge - This user gets WILD and CRAZZZZYYYY :D
Star Badge - This user has posted on the forum more than 1,000 times!
The Heart Badge - This user has posted over 3000 times!
Crack'd Badge- Used tools to crack a spot or dug open a location
Escape Badge- User evaded capture
Wild Driver- The user has went drain driving/ mine driving/ or rode motorbike/scooter into crazy place
Infiltration Badge- User has infiltrated an active location
Rub-A-Dub-Dub Badge - This User has used a boat to explore
New Location- User has found a brand new location
PP Badge- User has explored a Power Plant
Key Badge - This user managed to get keys or the code to a location.
Mmm...Food... - This member catered one of our events!
Cycling Badge - This User Has Explored on Bicycle
Banned - Do Not Interact
- This user has been banned.
Secret Badge
- Stick around, be cool, be trustworthy, help out and maybe someday you'll get this badge
Wildlife Rescue Badge - This member has rescued wildlife from certain death!
HACKERMAN - This user researches juicy details on security systems, RFID, and other things.
OUCHIE!!!!! - This user has gotten injured while exploring.
Near Death Badge - This user was almost "checked out" of life due to a situation/thing while exploring.
"X" Marks The Spot Badge - This user found a new bottle digging spot!
- Awarded to those who find a new bottle digging spot
Bonk Badge - BONK BONK